Saturday 17 December 2011

YouTube for Schools: Join the Global Classroom

Information quoted from:

'YouTube for Schools provides schools access to hundreds of thousands of free educational videos from YouTube EDU. These videos come from from well-known organizations like Stanford, PBS and TED as well as from up-and-coming YouTube partners with millions of views, like Khan Academy,Steve Spangler Science and Numberphile.

School admins and teachers can log in and watch any video, but students cannot log in and can only watch YouTube EDU videos plus videos their school has added. All comments and related videos are disabled and search is limited to YouTube EDU videos.

You can customize the content available in your school. All schools get access to all of the YouTube EDU content, but teachers and administrators can also create playlists of videos that are viewable only within their school's network. has hundreds of playlists of videos that align with common educational standards, organized by subject and grade. These playlists were created by teachers for teachers so you can spend more time teaching and less time searching.'

BBC article on YouTube for Schools:

Monday 5 December 2011

Year 6 - E-Safety

Here are three Facebook Online E-Safety Videos posted by @ictmagic. I would suggest these E-Safety videos would be suitable for year 6 children, perhaps during work preparing  them for transition to secondary school. You may want to use these videos as a starting point for a discussion. I would recommend that you watch them yourself first!

I have embedded the videos using YouTube which might be blocked on your school network.  You may wish to download them using a Youtube downloader such as Zamzar.

  Chapter 1 - Friend Requests  
Chapter 2 - Looking after your online status  
Chapter 3- Online Bullying

Other good Facebook E-Safety Sites 

Follow the link on this page to download the teachers' guide.

Please post a comment if you know of any other good E-Safety Sites.

Finally, at what age can children legally use Facebook?   

Answer: 13

Interesting fact: More than 175 million people use Facebook. If it were a country, it would be the sixth most populated country in the world.

Thursday 1 December 2011

November's Network Meeting - Follow Up Post

A big thank you again to all the subject leaders who attended the November ICT Subject Leaders' meeting. From my perspective it was really useful to meet with you all and discuss how you are using ICT to support teaching and learning. I have already started to plan how I might use some of the resources shared.

 Please find a summary from the feedback questionnaire  below.

Average score based on 14 responses.  
1Bristol Scheme of Work – An overview of the scheme of work focusing on how subject leaders can support planning and assessment in their school.4
2ICT + Literacy – Using ICT to enhance standards and enjoyment in literacy.4.5
3ICT + Math – Using ICT to enhance standards and enjoyment in Maths.4
4Websites/resources of the term4.5
5The Future -Group discussion. How should the ICT Subject Leader meetings evolve over the next year? How can we share best practice? How can we share planning and ideas? How can we communicate effectively? Who can we turn to when we need support?4

Scale 1 = I did not find this useful                5  = I found this extremely useful

Response to written comments:

Things you found useful:
  • having a subject leaders' blog is very useful as it provided an area where we could check for updated information and share our own planning/practice.
  • providing a questionnaire before the meeting resulted in the agenda being relevant to subject leaders’ needs.
  • publishing the agenda before the meeting was very useful.
  • using an online booking form was convenient and easier than in previous meetings.
  • having all meeting dates for the year published at the end of term 1 enabled teachers to give their SMT more notice which increased the likeliness of them being able to attend the meeting.
  • publishing all notes on the blog enabled subject leaders who were unable to attend to view information.
  • publishing notes using Google Docs enabled subject leaders to easily share information with other teachers.
  • The shared planning area was useful as it enabled subject leaders to see examples of best practice.
  • being given time/being shown how to create a blog.
  • having the opportunity to meet with other subject leaders.
Areas you would like to focus on during the next Subject Leaders Meeting.
  • greater focus on how Maths can be used to support teaching and learning
  • opportunity in the afternoon to plan with other subject leaders and have 1:1 with AST.
  • examples of how to use assessment tools in relation to the Bristol Scheme of Work.

There will also be a meeting agenda questionnaire sent to all Bristol schools in January in order to ensure that the content of the next meeting is relevant.

Additional Feedback

A number of subject leaders commented that it would be useful to have a twilight session on blogging. I will look into the possibility of this and e-mail all schools in January.

It would be really useful if you could use the Subject Leader blog to:

Share ideas/resources:

Share planning (e-mail planning to

Share how you are using ICT to support teaching and learning. If anyone wishes to write a post on the blog then please e-mail me and I will provide you with a contributor account.

AST Outreach Support

If you would like to request AST outreach support then please complete the form below and send it to

A member of the senior management must complete this request.

I look forward to meeting/working with you soon.

Best wishes


All comments posted are welcomed.

Here are the Merlin contact details requested:

Wednesday 23 November 2011

Primary ICT Subject Leaders Hub Network Meeting - 24.11.11

Welcome to the first of the 2011-12 Primary ICT Subject Leaders  Hub Network Meetings.


9:00   –   9:30
Tea and Coffee
9:30   –  10:00
Welcome messages + Updates- A detailed overview of the status of ICT nationally and in Bristol. 

10:00 –  11:00
Bristol Scheme of Work – An overview of the scheme of work focusing on how subject leaders can support planning and assessment in their school.

Delegates will be provided with examples of medium term plans as well as links to software progression tables and a new on-line document which aims to promote shared best practice across schools in Bristol.
11:00 -   12:00
ICT + Literacy – Using ICT to enhance standards and enjoyment in literacy.

Delegates will be provided with links to resources and case studies examining how ICT can be used as a tool to support writing, speaking and listening across EYFS + Key Stage 1 and 2.
12:00 -   13:00
Lunch + Networking  + Games Based Learning demonstration

13:00 -   13:45
ICT + Math – Using ICT to enhance standards and enjoyment in Maths.

Delegates will be provided with links to resources and case studies examining how ICT can be used as a tool to support maths across EYFS + Key Stage 1 and 2.

There will be a focused look at Google Docs and Forms and how they can be used to support teaching and learning in maths.
13:45 – 14:15
Websites/resources of the term – an opportunity to share best practice/resources.
14:15 – 14:45
Developing ICT Leaders in your school- How ICT subject leaders can support other teachers to become Leaders of ICT.

14:45 -15:30
The Future – Group discussion. How should the ICT Subject Leader meetings evolve over the next year? How can we share best practice? How can we share planning and ideas? How can we communicate effectively? Who can we turn to when we need support?

Primary ICT Subject Leaders Presentation PDF Version Download

Primary ICT Subject Leaders Presentation Microsoft PowerPoint Version Download

Direct Link to the Bristol ICT Scheme of Work Prezi Presentation Download

Thought Provoking Videos

Follow the link to view the UK version

From the user who submitted the video ….
“This video was created to serve as a discussion generator in New Brunswick – and generate is has. We have received inquiries from all over the world. Feel free to use it in whatever way that you find helpful.”

This BBC news report highlights the powerful influence blogging can have on children's writing. Really inspirational work by David Mitchell (@deputymitchell) and the children of Heathfield Primary School.

(This is a You Tube video so may not work when viewed on a school network).

Click on the link below to view all of the information/resources shared during the 2010-11 academic year.

I would welcome feedback on today's presentations and resources. Please compete the form below or e-mail me at

Sharing Planning

Please e-mail any examples of planning using the Bristol ICT Scheme of Work and I will add them to the shared planning section of the blog.

Shared Ideas/Resources

To share your teaching and learning ideas/resources complete the following shared form.

Sunday 20 November 2011

Year 3 - Image Manipulation Planning

The following planning aims to provide children with a platform to apply and extend their ICT skills whilst learning how to manipulate images.

This planning may be used to support learning in year 3 as part of the New Bristol ICT scheme of work or used to extend Gifted and Talented children via targeted intervention groups/clubs.

Click on the link to download the Year 3 Image Manipulation Planning

Extracts from Planning
Learning Objectives
  • Children will develop an understanding of how to use an art/publishing program to import and manipulate images.
  • Children will develop an understanding of how to search the internet for sources of information/resources safely.
  • Children will begin to understand the importance of adhering to copyright laws

Learning Outcome

·          I can download images to a computer and save in a relevant location without help.
·          I can make changes to images, adding text or titles.
·          I can find appropriate images on the internet to use in my work.
·          I can resize and crop photographs for different applications.
·          I can change font size, type and colour.
·          I can change the properties of a shape.

I understand the importance of adhering to copyright laws.

Lesson 1:
Inform children that over the next 7 lessons they will be using ICT to support learning in History/Geography. Introduce children to the concept of ‘Top Trumps’. Allow children to play the game in small groups. Create a mind map of how you could adapt this popular game to support learning in your History/Geography topic. Show children a set of ‘Topic Trump’ cards (Lesson One Topic Trump Cards) created for a World War 2 History topic lesson. Model how to use the ‘functionality’ of the art/publishing program. Demonstrate how to change the background colour of the cards, font, font size, and font colour. Provide children with an opportunity to practise these key skills using the Topic Trump card template.

Questioning –
·          Why is it important to think carefully about the background and font colours?
·          Why are some fonts not suitable for the Topic Trump cards?
·          How could we ensure that the front and back of the cards are printed on the same piece of paper?
·          Is it Ok to copy any image from the internet?

Useful Websites:

Lesson 1 Topic Trump Card Template

Decide on a ‘theme’ and a set of ‘categories’ for your Topic Trump cards before the start of the next lesson.

Lesson 2
Teacher may wish to allow children to work in pairs to create a set of Topic Trump Cards or to set each child the challenge of creating two cards which will contribute towards making a class set.

Teacher to model how to use the  art/publishing program to:

·          Change the background colour of the cards
·          Chang the colour and thickness of the border
·          Change the font, font size and colour
·          Use the ‘undo’ and ‘redo’ buttons

Children to practise editing the card templates, saving their working into an appropriate folder at the end of the lesson.

·          What is the disadvantage of everyone’s historical character having a different colour back and front?
·          Why is it important to think carefully about the background and font colours?
·          Why are some fonts not suitable for the Topic Trump cards?
·          Why are the undo and redo buttons useful?
·          Is there a keyboard shortcut for undo and redo?


Whole Set Topic Trump Cards Template
Two Topic Trump Cards Template

By the end of this lesson children will have manipulated the properties of their cards; used the undo/redo buttons and saved their work in an appropriate folder.

Lesson 3
Children to dress up as one or more of the historical characters associated with their Topic Trump cards. Teacher to model how to use a digital camera/webcam to take a photograph and upload/transfer it onto a computer. Teacher to demonstrate how to:
·          Import  a photograph  into the Topic Trump Project
·          Change size of photograph
·          Crop photograph
·          Change photograph formatting
·          Add a border to a photograph
·          Change the photograph colour to black and white or grey scale.

By the end of this lesson children will have taken a photograph; manipulated its properties; inserted a photograph into a Topic Trump project and saved their work into an appropriate folder.

·          What top tips would you give to someone taking a photograph?
·          What is the keyboard short cut for ‘undo’ and ‘redo’?
·          Why are keyboard short cuts useful?
·          How many different ways can you think of to manipulate a photograph?
·          Do you know of any specialised image/photo-manipulating software?

Lesson 4
Model how to use a ‘safe’ search engine such as Swiggle to research a historical character. Provide children with the opportunity to practise using the internet as a research tool to find out one interesting fact about their historical character(s). Children to apply their knowledge from previous lessons to write an ‘interesting fact’ about their historical character(s) on the back of the card.

·          What is a search engine?
·          How many different search engines can you think of?
·          Why is Swiggle safer than some search engines?
·          Can we trust everything we read on the internet?
·          Why might it not be a good idea to write an ‘interesting fact’ on the back of the card?

Useful Websites:

Lesson 5
Teacher to discuss with children how they might generate statistics for their Topic Trump cards.  Discuss how some categories such as date of birth will not need to have a number generated as it is based on fact. Categories which are subjective such ‘Strength’ and ‘Tactical Knowledge’ will need to have statistic generated randomly.

·          Is there a fair way of producing statistics for the Topic Trump cards?
·          Should different categories have different scale ratings? (e.g. Strength out of 100, Tactical Knowledge out of 50)
·          Do all categories need a random number generated?

Once you have agreed on a method for generating statistics, children to generate their data and insert numerical values into their cards.

Useful Websites:

Virtual Dice Virtual Dice


Image Manipulation AFL Sheet
Image Manipulation Peer Assessment Sheet

At the end of the lesson children to self assess themselves against the AFL criteria outlined at the start of the project. Children to reflect on what they have done well and what they would like to improve on if they were to use these skills again. This would also be an excellent opportunity for children to peer assess each other.

Teacher to ensure that children have printed their project before the start of lesson 6.

Lesson 6
Split class into groups. Ensure that each group has a set of the Topic Trump cards. Ensure that children are clear about the rules before they start. Allow children to compete against one another. At the end of the lesson review progress against the AFL criteria.

Lesson 7
Inform children that they will have one lesson to independently create their own ‘Super’ Topic Trump which will later be add ed to the pack used in lesson 6. Children can change any aspect of the design but they must keep the same categories and method for generating statistics. You may wish to provide children with photographs or alternatively allow them to take their own photographs. Children to use the self assessment guidelines to structure the task. At the end of the lesson children to reflect on how they have improved since the start of the image manipulation module.

·          How has your learning changed over the past seven lessons?
·          What have I learnt about the historical figures?
·          What did I do well?
·          What is your next learning step?
·          What would you do differently if you were to repeat this task?
·          What would you do the same?

Teacher may wish to laminate some of the Topic Trump sets to use as a teaching resource with younger children or next year’s cohort.


Image Manipulation AFL Sheet
Image Manipulation Peer Assessment Sheet

Processes (link to APP AF1)

Planning –Are students able to plan how to use ICT to make a Topic Trump Card.
Developing – Are students able to explain how and why they used ICT to create Topic Trump cards.
Evaluating –Are students able to identify ways of improving their use of ICT.